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A@~j!The last move increased the cost.A@$      $F  +D  $D  +  $F$T  $!(A@" CentroidsdistanceMatrixcost = computeCost$display_inter 10, W + 11, 8, 1, costp = 0 ClientWidth = 6405 StartUpPosition = 1 'CenterOwner TypeInfoVer = 5 End J(  },R KQDBTahoma,(:8Cancel(D:HEOuTahoma( *'/e.EOuTahoma*n/~'1*E'F G' EH1/ F81 (1' *9H6 (' /1 1' E4.5 F/k{| End Ifkdisplay_2 rp - 3, cp - 1, cost    $&'~ ~ |' $V $V  A@(dp      $D  +F  A@(kA@"A@dA@" $display_inter 10, W + 11, 8, 1, costk output Endp z ~ 'v : z? ; :  |? 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'  P$~'n n G'&Fzjk Switched departments  and  A@$ x'&d! A@$zki@)] 8Ph+the following switches the department areas x_plnt$f. $V $V 'R ' R'ksi is larger. sj is smaller  A@h 'T'8 'V'Xst = 0Ofind the top most (TM), bottom most (BM), left most (LM) and right most (RM) of$range for si (the larger department) V  Z  Z V$D  Z V G Z'Vj Z X G Z'Xj V T G V'Tj V 8 G V'8jkP(j,i) Z V $P $Psi is to the right of sj $R $Rsi is to the right and below sj '\F'^F'`F 'bF'dF'f 8 T X V  si is wider than it is tall   \ ^ ` b d fA@jd si is taller than it is wide   \ ^ ` b d fA@lk0d(si is to the right and above sj '\F'^F'`F'bF 'dF'f 8 T X V  si is wider than it is tall   \ ^ ` b d fA@jd@ si is taller than it is wide   \ ^ ` b d fA@jkkdsi is to the left of sj $R $Rsi is to the left and below sj'\F '^F'`F 'bF'dF'f 8 T X V  si is wider than it is tall   \ ^ ` b d fA@jd si is taller than it is wide   \ ^ ` b d fA@lkXdPsi is to the left and above sj'\F '^F'`F'bF 'dF'f 8 T X V  si is wider than it is tall   \ ^ ` b d fA@jdh si is taller than it is wide   \ ^ ` b d fA@lkkko]x  V  Z  Z V$D   Z V+D $T Z V$!(  Z V$( Z V$D ed Z V+D Z V$!(ko 2 13850]   0 $V'z'| V n p r Z t v x Z V$Dd | $V  Z V+D $T Z V$!(  Z V$( | '|d  Z V+D $T Z V$!(  Z V$( z 'zkXkP Z Vo(H 2 13850]    $V'z'| Z t v x V n p r Z V$Dd | $V  Z V+D $T Z V$!(  Z V$( | '|d  Z V+D $T Z V$!(  Z V$( z 'zkk V Zoxp'Attribute VB_Name = "trad_layout" Option Explicit Su@b eval(")Nget"_parters4If I_Sequential pThen2`KcoOElse "#nd If E  0Dim iquit As Boolean, rpInteg`er, c 3'Ap}a.ScreenUpd$ngFaTConvert2|9= True|/AWCroiddistanceMax"cost5compC pi3, J '?= Ra nge(n& "_plnt")p.Row@DColumr' ""2AT- 3R- 1+'CellDs(@- 2)0.ValECurr@B Þ <_UU_main>ǥD vgWfkĶH67, Mssga_SMng  bjresponselastBTjDoubl$wfVs[0-hS Mo_.ShSlNot Im_OKknd/GctiveSheet.Lines.Del et_x savingA1Cjj )GoTo refedce:@=WorksswfacilitVyxHm8Am `q), _oll := 8= biAmy_heur ic3"Switch:rbQC {] ,Dc_4Do While(> 1 / 1AA4ED+ ,A!ntHb:!1GintlbZ=B'$'K! {Aaab >ji_stop^MsgB`ox ("  move in@ased the. 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' A@~o]H`]x'A@ |!B@RlayoutcirlesdeleteA@4'   +Lx x_seq$f.lB  D $Z $V  $l+L  'k' !('n#make random sequence of departments   $Z $V    $ ''   $L  '  x  +Lykkd  'kA@A@7col_depts d_start, d_stop, i_index, i_color, i_centroid' a A@A@  '|A@ A@ 'kInitial layoutA@$' _facility x_plnt$f! x_plnt$f! A@!Application.ScreenUpdating = TrueoA@ _facility x_plnt$f! x_plnt$f! A@ A@A@  '|A@A@$o`](@XA@Ulay_scroll "_facility", Range(nme & "_plnt").Row - 6, Range(nme & "_plnt").Column - 1 A@A@  '| x _facility$zB@ ! 'p !'r !!P '  G'j | x_value+f | p r$, x_x_cent$f.r x_y_cent$f.t x _area_def$f.n x_seq$f.l+R  P $V $n( $P $r( $R $t(-If I_Sequential Then s_range(i) = sequence(i)%If I_Sequential Then col_put_sequenceValue of current layoutA@$ ohp]Ph]$R]0layout departments' 'WC is the column width$R'''   ''  'Range(nme & "_num_col")'''   a    QThe plant is not large enough to fit the departments. Change the facility design.A@~A@'| k $L' $p'  H.? ' ' '   s a su +P v +R +Vtok  k_cells = 0 a'6   4QThe plant is not large enough to fit the departments. Change the facility design.A@~bApplication.Goto reference:=Worksheets(nme & "_facility").Cells(1, 1), scroll:=TrueA@'| k  odd numbered column6' *check if cells can be added to current row             $    $$f.,Di      A@ts'  'SVd    $     $$f.'      A@   'F   G'F  'j k   'ifkcolor the rectangular blocke exch    G  +? 'cG  'jJ  >       $      $$f.      A@'   'Jd   $    $$f.ings      A@ly'  'kPdH'k8   'k    VRchange to the next even column'  '   '   %'   ' ''dcolor the remaining area      $    $$f. dep      A@   '  ' d   '   G'F  'j]kp   'kXkPdH even numbered column*check if cells can be added to current row   lnt     @Range(plant(nrow - krows + 1, w_st + 1), plant(nrow, w_st + WC))j    $    $$f.'V      A@fi'  'bod    $     $$f.e for      A@   '   G'F  'jD k`   ' kHcolor the rectangular blockG    G  +? 'cG  'jP          $    $$f.      A@\'   ''d   $    $$f.      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RR_start is the index of the row.(LCC_start is the index of the starting column and CC_Stop is the index of the ending column.ructTPrefix is a constant prefix for the series, and Firstval is the first in the series.]p l h ' n  p f h$(H  G n  p  f h $(j  9 f h $ f l$$fB@ f h$ f l$$fB@H ~| l B@zp rko?Makes a series in a column.CC_start is the index of the column.IRR_start is the index of the starting row and RR_Stop is the index of the ending row.( xTPrefix is a constant prefix for the series, and Firstval is the first in the series.]h j f 'r. n  p f h$(  G n  p  f h$(j  w f h$ j h$$fB@r f h$ j h$$fB@H | l B@z xkpoh2Changes the size of a matrix whose name is MatName1RR and CC are the new numbers of rows and columnsBwhen rows and columns are increased in number the current contentsof the matrix is not destroyed.] 8P $f!!P' $f!!P' H   H    $f%B@ H $f%B@  $f%B@H |B@ H $f%B@ H  e   H  H $f%B@Rk        $f%B@  $f%B@  $f%B@H |B@  $f%B@   e      $f%B@Rko׵Attribute VB_Name = "maces" 'Subroutines for the Creation and manipul of Inter@face M  Op\Explicit  LayMakeVector(RR_start, CC opPrefix, Firstval, V_TypeBorder$, palColor)Dra0ws ax screen with various coants?SI is}Oing row indexVcolumn&op%opp% %$a sgHwhichdll beVpۀeries. Say8 X_[Cnumber xDspeciff\Ilue z`AUtcxS: '"S"" metandsA C!s headed by2. T cmnautofilFill@plu/@)% lth@gh@,orm@A6D4@aX K.XBI1Aicat8wheto have gr.i@o0Mno< bBth/laym 2_b(l%Q! 28i' ?D A5 Range(66 9#a' )).DownBIfHI_⍧CCWN´F {`General@J%#pyopRighB%|)+ Ag4,hex E=v ? 0rt dO3l+!go3k3 ՝6"/Eo9^A2{9.R1C"1=" O[ 5ol/LP/t0Uo i x=.lLOjz6(7?E3--6 "a#"V_ P4s??v:2ʓ ,ROH#\!"????Aaub ߔeܡiQε ra . G?1!ߑqSAa9end$~apnt 13,bر@ ` $ 7C_start).Value = Prefix & "& Firstval If ncol > 0 Then Cells(RR_, CCp + 1H 1WqRange2(f2)uop)).Clear%M$Select%ion.DataSeries Row:=xls, TypeAutoFilEnd If Sub   laymake s&Top,,) 'Ms ab  in'umn.is the dex of@Er xing row a1@ Stop end .@ĕAa connt pfor!-,f4A/ Dim n$As Int8ege@|j= B5)-ChTÁGllaÀ2GÉ{, aaColPb`J bchgmatrix(MatName, rr, c2c]ChYsi$zeYa  whose n@!HPRRKCC areNnew numbers! /`h bs`wAincrea8sed!Sb curre\ ]tdm`not destroyed`YcRYRRold Y;-k#']B$).!.CounC1d#D4)rr`  nF@vk To@2 Ak@L !).In`xt Shift!!DownNe&xHrropyg UActiveSheet.Pasteb Cont9aElse%< ؊%)-&A #).Dte%Upgg%ʡ cc`7=x7-`{@ eU7<(ToRigh8(`<&OM)U0-d<o 6/-Hq/ToLef qBQ0* `i/////0` Iaq///n$ XC6HrU~|  @yYiY9\16\\\ \]9]i]0  0 @  get_put__SRP_a *;__SRP_bW!comb_modMY- 2 <@ " &  "    8 +@*` +0K 00 + "R"98  `"'xX',4tM(D"'^BMp  "'"',40` 9h9$ 2+ * *@+`+ ++  /000 4H  "(S<140 P  p x*     Sw) !"#$%&'(*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTUzWXYj[\]^_`abcdefghiVklmnopqrstuvy|D7(7<xME   $ XH$ XH$ l(Qo )6H,X(h]t  $ XH$ XH$ l,Qo )6H} $ XH$ XH$ )6H(X (L8$HN|,hXHUpzOX:hH8(% $$ X$C$6H( kzhX:hH(8(% (%$$ X$C$6 H( kz& X(hH%$$ X$( $ X($ o)$6H(} $$ X$H $ X((H$ )$6H(9h%8%$ $ $$,$ ,$H(|,h XHUpzOX:hH8(% $$ X$C$6H( kzhX:hH(8(% (%$$ X$C$6 H( kz& X(hH%$$ X$($ X($ o)$6H(} $$ X$H$ X((H$ )$6H(9h%8%$ $ $$,$ ,$H(0   \ @ ` `JAAI `Vx`t`r`p`n`l`j`h`nf x`% \% X0% TP% Pp% `L% @`J`z `TJI I I I I `pz`rx` v`t`r`p`n`l 8 `kg`Vz  ` J u`z $ `J ~I   `J99`z`0 x`v`t`` r`p ` n h %`x f`d`b` ``\`X` T`X P` L`( H` D` @  ` X I x I  I  I   ǘI\ `  ` JP I p  I  alirI  I `x  `pJ `z `x $`v`t `(r ` `  I I  s anI @ I &  `N `z ` "" `$`+D` `$V``x@ 8  @` x% 8Xxf'@h xlCa@X @hH @D @P`$%8j@0 Ran@ @ +@ !hX @x @h @X no @ fnp(4 $z$ '@ @ @ j@ +f@ @ @ _cen x@ thHJLNPR$(pXZ\^`b(Xhj~(@ $VlBP( $R@6(` l ThP6(i) = x;) eque> col_p ` >x  GDterati(B@j .0J@ XJ h~ K| K7(l A@@\  Z0[ p Z ` @X 0` X` hV $la;T 7a7R b P b o$fp(N $f@qL ratiPq s%(00 Ll~ @x X;xv ;h(t $r 7If` ffse@P 3)).@@ 7@0 @ .Off0p + 20(  @ @ @   F'0 itch:p@X@!Xfhj` B@@P hL %@<  @,  @ @ h @ F ` $0 ;@ X hxff A@! @ r$@   @ B@ stan@ !p 0|7  x A@ 0 v !d x T @D (4 !0 @ !( @ x !0"(&lL@"ph "X @H (&D @B X"h"@ "(&(0 @  p @ H H# $(&h0$< @, @ @ @ @ @ @ H$X$`p$$ $(& $6P p X%%(%pt @d @T @D @@ `0 @ XP8,`(0|frtp(x\ )XL *(H @D @4 @$ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ &VPRp( (( ((( ((`()8)(8)| P)'`)x`x)')v )*)t )**-*d @T @D @4 @$ @ @ h+( h+ @ @ *8+`+8(+ @+DP+`+D+pHX+X @ @ @ +[,`,[(, @,^P, h,^x, ,`, ,`,b,c-(bJ- -g(-|`@-gP-z h-j-x x-j-j-v -k-t -k.r .mH.p (.m8.o`.pp.` .}.\`.}.Z ..X //V (/0T 8/H/ /pl @\ 0X @H @8 @( @ x8X21(< DF|V1X8 @( @ @ 2 02 2 H2X2 p22 22 22  x33xfn~3 @ @ @ H4 @ 33 333 3'4( 4 840H4 x40( @ =p ;G$*\Rffff*02473b7848*\R1*#1c8*\R1*#e8*\R1*#2ac$*\Rffff*06473b7848*  4] *XP            0 8  X  `  h  *x  * * *&    4]8 4fp   03 03 0 8 @ X `      4R     "   8 .P    hL &  ( @ P  \X >  ( 8@9`  1  . =0P p x  * +0K    -(,@*X Np * *   0  8 @" HP X (h,&(F & D=  hp x  :=  " $  H `  ; 67$K  @+H+h ++  , - - 4( ` ,h  DW+ "P 8 P )h ) ( /  P    83P  h *ep *f (e ,g  (`0  &S (@)`0fx! >&# <0 p x'( <M X(fp,h  9   &S :j0 &&p (>,A   (,h0 ` h ,Wx<j,&09H`x,D   ,h        0  8  X x  P  6g  "&  !(>!@!.X! x!  ! ,h! !! ! "!!!*! B" P"<`" "8" ">"8#@#" H#P#+X#x#### ## "  #  W# #" ##$($8$X$x$ &$ $ $ $$$8$%%%%  %(% @% P% Vh%  .$% (% '&   0& @& `&&&&&& & &"&'"'8' '@'X' p'  x' ' ' ' '"  '' $'''( (  (@(X(x("(((( ( (( )) 0)8) @) :H))"  )) $B)) ())) **" **8*@*  H*  YX* x* * * *  ** *dl* 0+ 8+@+TH++"  +(+++, , @, " H,P,X, `,p, (F, ,,," ,&,,- -0-8-@-H- P- X-p- (- <-|- p. x.. .. ..x.X/ `/h/p/ Tx///x,Dim k As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integerla6Dim i_odd As Boolean, nrow As Integer, ncol As Integer |!B@RA@ A@kHo@@]] @`]$CC] g coA@ x_plnt$f.ring x_info$f.r a x _area_def$f.n x _area_def$f%. !!P' !!P' x_darea$f.pnsta x_darea$f!!P'tval i x _num_fixed$f!'0hredimension arrays   HX   J&00-1 matrix to determine departmental adjacencies  L  N  P  R  T M+vector of department Y coordinate centriodshose  V@(vector of number of cells in departmentsmns   Xh!x  ZBBoolean vector which identifies departments with variable location  \  ^  `  0  0 b  0 d8 0 fXH 0 hx 0 jB@k x_cw$f' x_num_col$f' 'WC is the column width   &The number of columns is not feasible.A@~gk x_fixed$f. x_color$f. x_x_cent$f.r x_y_cent$f.t x _area_def$f.n x_seq$f.lA@   $n! +V $r! +P $t! +R-If I_Sequential Then s_range(i) = sequence(i)xRange(nme & "_info").Select   $!$$$'V Vv VVG +ZcG +Zj $!! +Tsequence(i) = s_range(i)create the flow matrix. x_flow$f. x_cost$f. B''      $!$  $!$  $!  $!'    +X   G 'j   G 'jd  +Xkd  +Xk  x= flowrng(i, j).Value 0 x _fix_flows$f. x _fix_costs$f. x_fix_loc$f.  0F +fF    0  $!$  $!$  $!  $!  +b  $b  +f  $b  G  $b'j  $b  G  $b'jkd  +bk x= flowrng(i, j).Valuexp  0 $ +hF $ +jA@ko] ]0H`x]8Xx'A@   D   FBmatrix of department locations |!B@Rcreate the fixed matrix.   +VUfrom plant definition, find the number of departments, size of plant, number of cells8for each department. Assign the indices for the P array.      +D  $!  $!!'   $T GyjH 'd8  $!'k      $(   +D $T  $!( $V +Vk xxx = xph x_info$f. x _area_def$f.n x _area_def$f%.'   $!' $V $n( $ $V  ρ  ' $~'n $If response = xlCancel Then Exit Sub'g d  $V 'k o ]( G|j"Set seqrange = Range(nme & "_seq")  F +LF   $lX $lX   $lX+Ld Department  has an illegal sequence number.A@~g k    $L There is no  in the sequence list.A@~g k k o @W(RS, CS, RM, CM, mycost)] 8P]h x _facility$zB@ ! 'p !'r !!P '  G'j | x_value+f | p r$,  x_x_cent$f.r x_y_cent$f.t x _area_def$f.n x_seq$f.l   $V $n( $P $r( $R $t( -If I_Sequential Then s_range(i) = sequence(i) %If I_Sequential Then col_put_sequencek`  x _Iterations$G x _Iterations$fB@j x_seq$f.l  p r$% 9 |; 7( 7(7A@7 A@q0  p r$%9 ;    ; $l ; 77$f( 7 7$f(7 7$fA@7 7$f A@q x _Iterations  p r$%   p r$%$f(kh   p r$% 9 ; Ǭ;;ʘ; 7(7  7$f(7X'7If k > 0 Then Range(.Offset(1, 0), .Offset(k, 3)).Clear7(75Range(.Offset(0, 0), .Offset(N + 2, 2 * N + 4)).Clearqd 7(  7(  ;  $L'F $L'd 'F 'k Switch:G  and   ;j | ; 7 7$fA@ 7 7$f A@k0q(k  r   $B@L   p r$%7    7$fB@ Distance*Cost7(    ;F  ;    $H  $X  ;7  7$f A@q 0    p r$%7    7$fB@Fixed Distance*Cost7(  0F  ;F    ;  0  $d  $b  ;807  07$f A@qkk   '    0  ' 0 G  'jk  p r$%7   7$fB@ Adjacency7(    ;F  ;    $J  ;x7  7$f A@q@k8o0] 'V x_method$f G (AlDEP) V;cG V;j V 'V GAisle V;cG V;j V 'V GYes V;cGNo V;j V 'V G V;cG V;jqo8 ]x x_seq$f.l'l    $L+lHo@  ! !+o ]0 H ` ]x   ]  ]  ( @ ]X p   ]    |!B@R ' !' !''  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